Programme Instructions 

  • Inside this program, you will find 'sets, reps and tempo'.

    Reps refer to how many times you perform each exercise consecutively - the number of repetitions you perform.

    Sets refers to how many times you will repeat that number of repetitions.

    Tempo refers to how fast or slow you perform the exercise on the eccentric (on the way back down).

    And lastly, Rest refers to wait in between your exercise sets.

    All exercises are labeled with letters and numbers such as A1, A2, etc., which will allow you to follow the program with ease.

    Perform all 'A' exercises back to back for all reps and sets before moving on to 'B' , “C” exercises.

    Here’s a Simple way to set up your training week going forward.

    Monday -Program 1A +10K steps

    Tuesday -Program 1B +10k steps

    Wednesday- Rest Day +10k steps

    Thursday -Program 1A +10k steps

    Friday -Program 1B + 10k steps

    Saturday- 10k steps

    Sunday - 10k steps

Warm up

  • Overview:

    A 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)

    B Forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles

    C 2 minutes jumping rope

    D 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise

    E 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise

    F 15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end

  • A 10 x Side Lying Clam (each side)

    B 10 x Single Leg Glute Bridge with 5-second hold (each leg)

    Repeat x3 times

A1 | OVERHEAD military PRESS


REPS: 6-8

TEMPO: 4-0-X-0

REST: 90-120 seconds

  • .To make the most of this lift, it’s best to do it in the squat rack so you don’t have to heave the bar off the floor and into position. So start with the barbell set up in the rack at mid-chest height.

    Grab the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, palms facing forwards. With barbell overhead presses you might find it easier on your wrist to use a hook grip, where your thumb is over the bar rather than under it. Try both versions to see what you’re more comfortable with.

    Stand close to the bar and bend your knees so you’re in a quarter squat, contract your core and glutes and drive up with your legs to stand and take the bar off the rack support. This means your lower back is protected when you pick up the weight. Take a couple of steps back so you’ve got room to raise the bar.

    Stand with your feet together, like a soldier on parade and squeeze your glutes and core muscles hard to give you a solid base to press from. Keep them tensed throughout. If you start to go soft in the middle you’ll lose power, arch your back and put pressure on your spine. If that starts to happen, set the weight down.

    With the bar level with your chin, make sure your elbows are pointing forwards rather than flaring out to your sides. This means you’ll recruit more of your front and side deltoids and pec muscles to help you lift heavier and with more control. As you press up and lower down, try to keep your elbows pointing forwards.

    Now’s the time to drive, soldier. Take a sharp breath in, tense your glutes and torso, and drive the bar straight up, breathing out as you press. As you near full extension, push your head forwards so your biceps align closely with your ears to ensure good form and ensure you don’t arch your back.

    As you lower the bar under control to chin level, move your head back slightly so you don’t clip your forehead on the way down. Keep your core tensed throughout the set. Once you’ve put the weight down you can relax. At ease, soldier. Good job.

  • seated shoulder press

    dumbbell shoulder press

    1 arm press

    machine press

    push press

    plate loaded press

A2 | chin up


REPS: 6-8

TEMPO: 4-0-X-0

REST: 90-120 seconds

  • Grab the bar with both hands, with your palms facing you, and arms shoulder-width apart.

    Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Your elbows will be fully bent here.

    Pause for a second.

    With a controlled motion, lower yourself all the way back down, until your arms are straight

  • assisted chin ups

    band chin ups

    negative chin ups

    inverted rows



REPS: 8-10

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 60-90 seconds

  • Lie on a flat bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

    Maintain a neutral grip and begin with your arms straight, directly above you.

    Bend your arms and lower them to the side of your body so the dumbbells lie just above your chest.

    Pause and then lift your arms to repeat.

  • Band chest press

    Incline chest press

    Decline chest press

    Diamond push ups

    Trx push ups

    Explosive push ups

B2 | SEATED CABLE ROWS-Neutral grip


REPS: 10-12

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 60-90 seconds

  • Set the pulley at the lowest rung on the machine. Place your feet on the pads available, if there are no pads, find a step and place that in front of the machine before placing your feet on it.

    Begin by having your arms completely outstretched as this move targets the lats and this position best engages the area.

    Keep your head, back and spine neutrally aligned, with your chest elevated and core engaged.

    With a small bend in your knees, pull the attachment in towards your body to just below the naval, initiating the move by driving your elbows towards your hips, keeping the elbows in.

    As the attachment reaches your torso, squeeze your lats and shoulder blades, holding the contraction for 1-2sec.

    Reverse to the start and repeat for desired number of reps.

  • chest supported row

    bent over rows

    inverted rows

    1 arm dumbbell rows


SETS: 2-3

REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 30-60 seconds

  • Position the pulley around the bottom or to waist height and connect a rope attachment.

    If the pulley on your machine isn’t height-adjustable, use the low pulley rather than the high pulley.

    Grab each end of the rope with a firm grip.

    In one swift motion, turn your body away from the cable station and place your arms behind your head so that your elbows are bent, and your triceps are stretched.

    Tuck your elbows in slightly and then forcefully flex your triceps until your elbows reach complete extension.

    "split" the triceps rope at the end of the rep by moving the ends of the rope away from each other.

    Lower the rope under control (descend until you feel an intense stretch in your triceps) and then perform another rep.






C2 | Standing hammer BICEP CURL

SETS: 2-3

REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 30-60 seconds

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.

    Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing towards your body – this is the main difference from the standard curl, which you start with your palms facing forwards.

    Keeping your elbows close to your body, slowly curl the dumbbell up to your shoulders.

    Pause for a second at the top of the lift, squeeze your biceps, then lower the weights under control.








d1 | side-lying hip abductions-Optional exercises


REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 2-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Lying on the side engage the core and neutral spine, deep breath in.

    2-Push hips up off the floor, by contracting glutes

    3-Hold at top and squeeze glutes

  • Supine variation



REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 2-0-1-0

REST: 30-45 seconds

  • 1-Lying on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight

    2-Tuck chin into chest and curl upper body by contracting core

    3-Hold and control back down

¨Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.¨ – Michael Jordan

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