Programme Instructions
Inside this program, you will find 'sets, reps and tempo'.
Reps refer to how many times you perform each exercise consecutively - the number of repetitions you perform.
Sets refers to how many times you will repeat that number of repetitions.
Tempo refers to how fast or slow you perform the exercise on the eccentric (on the way back down).
And lastly, Rest refers to wait in between your exercise sets.
All exercises are labeled with letters and numbers such as A1, A2, etc., which will allow you to follow the program with ease.
Perform all 'A' exercises back to back for all reps and sets before moving on to 'B' , “C” exercises.
Here’s a Simple way to set up your training week going forward.
Monday -lower body +10K steps
Tuesday -upper body +10k steps
Wednesday- Rest Day +10k steps
Thursday - lower body +10k steps
Friday -lower body + 10k steps
Saturday- rest day or 10k steps
Sunday - rest day or 10k steps
Warm up
A 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)
B Forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles
C 2 minutes jumping rope
D 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise
E 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise
F 15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end
A 10 x Side Lying Clam (each side)
B 10 x Single Leg Glute Bridge with 5-second hold (each leg)
Repeat x3 times
A1 | bARBELL BACK squat
REPS: 6-8
TEMPO: 4-0-X-0
REST: 180-240 seconds
Set up for the exercise by setting the barbell to just below shoulder height and loading the weight you want to use.
Stand under the bar with your feet at about shoulder width apart.
Position the bar so that it is resting on the muscles on the top of your back, not on the back of your neck. The bar should feel comfortable. If it doesn't, try adding some padding to the bar.
Now take your hands over the back and grip the bar with a wide grip for stability.
You should now bend at the knees and straighten your back in preparation to take the weight off the rack.
Keeping your back straight and eyes up, push up through the legs and take the weight off the rack.
Take a small step back and stabilize yourself.
Keeping your eyes facing forward slowly lower your body down. Don't lean forward as you come down. Your buttocks should come out and drop straight down.
Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor, and then slowly raise your body back up by pushing through your heels.
Do not lock OR snap the knees out when you stand up, and then repeat the movement.
Air Squats
Smith Machine
Goblet Squat
Dumbbell Squat
Safety Bar Squat
Front Squat
Jefferson Squat
Bulgrian Split Squats
Leg press machine
Barbell Step Ups
Hack Squats
SETS: 3-4
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 3-0-1-0
REST: 60-90 seconds
Set up with your feet shoulder width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.
Step forward with one leg and allow both knees to bend simultaneously.
Descend until the back knee touches the floor.
Drive through the front foot and extend the knee as you stand up fully and return to the starting position.
Repeat on the opposite leg.
Repeat the desired number of repetitions
Assisted Backwards Step Lunges
bodyweight walking lunges
Step Up
Split Squat > Front foot elevated
Reverse Lunge > Front foot elevated
Single Leg Squat to Bench
Lateral Lunge
Bulgarian/Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (RFESS)
Single Leg Squat From Bench
Walking Lunge
Forward Lunge
Single Leg Skater Squat
Pistol Squa
SETS: 3-4
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 3-0-1-0
REST: 60-90 seconds
Step 1: Lie down on a leg curl machine with the pad on the back of your legs. It should be positioned a few inches under your calves.
Step 2: Stretch your legs out fully and grasp the side handles of the machine, keeping your torso flat on the bench as you do so. This is the starting position.
Step 3: Curl your lower legs up as far as you can while keeping your upper legs on the pad. Once your legs are fully contracted, hold the position for a second.
Step 4: Bring your legs back to the starting position, inhaling as you do so. Repeat for the number of reps in your set.
GHR Machine
Good mornings
one legged leg curl
Single-leg deadlift.
Donkey kick.
Nordic curl.
Single-leg hip extension.
Stiff-legged deadlift.
Kettlebell swing.
Stability ball hamstring curl.
Lying dumbbell leg curl.
SETS: 2-3
REPS: 12-15
TEMPO: 3-0-1-0
REST: 30-60 seconds
1-Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides and place one foot on a bench or box, your knee bent to 90°. Keeping the other leg straight and firmly planted on the ground, push your shoulders back and chest out.
2-Push through your top foot to raise your body over the platform, your back leg suspended in the air. Push your hip back to lower your support leg back to the floor.
Do not use the leg on the ground to help lift yourself onto the box.
Keep the working leg planted firmly on the bench. Don't rise onto your toes.
Do not let the knee of the working leg cave inward.
Crossover Dumbbell Step-Up
Barbell Lateral Step-Up
Barbell Lunge
Bodyweight or unlateral Step up
Barbell Step-Up
SETS: 2-3
REPS: 12-15
TEMPO: 3-1-1-1
REST: 30-60 seconds
Step 1: Place your feet in the stirrups and lean your upper body forward.
Step 2: Take a weighted plate or dumbbell and hold it against your chest with your arms.
Step 3: Bending at the waist lower your upper body down to the floor.
Step 4: Raise your upper body back up until your chest is parallel with the floor.
Step 5: Hold for 1 second and then lower yourself back down. This completes one repetition.
Bodyweight Supine Back raises
bent over rows
Bird Dog.
Romanian Deadlift.
Stiff-Legged Deadlift.
Hip Hinge.
Glute-Ham Raise.
Dumbbell Deadlift.
Flat Bench Hyperextension.
d1 | side-lying hip abductions-Optional exercises
SETS: 2-3
REPS: 12-15
TEMPO: 2-0-1-0
REST: 30-45 seconds
1-Lying on the side engage the core and neutral spine, deep breath in.
2-Push hips up off the floor, by contracting glutes
3-Hold at top and squeeze glutes
side planks
palloff press
bicycle crunches
russian twist
d2 | curl ups-optional exercises
SETS: 2-3
REPS: 12-15
TEMPO: 2-0-1-0
REST: 30-45 seconds
1-Lying on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight
2-Tuck chin into chest and curl upper body by contracting core
3-Hold and control back down