Programme Instructions
Inside this programme, you will find 'sets, reps and tempo'.
Reps refers to how many times you perform each exercise consecutively - the number of repetitions you perform.
Sets refers to how many times you will repeat that number of repetitions.
Tempo refers to how fast or slow you perform the exercise on the eccentric (on the way back down).
And lastly, Rest refers to wait in between your exercise sets.
All exercises are labelled with letters and numbers such as A1, A2, etc., which will allow you to follow the program with ease.
Perform all 1 'A' and 1B exercises back to back for all reps and sets before moving on to 2A & 'B' exercises.
Warm up
A 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)
B Forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles
C 2 minutes jumping rope
D 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise
E 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise
F 15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end
A 10 x Side Lying Clam (each side)
B 10 x Single Leg Glute Bridge with 5-second hold (each leg)
Repeat x3 times
REPS: 10-12 per side
TEMPO: 3-2-1-0
REST: 60 seconds
1-Stand in normal squat position keeping torso upright
2-Take a deep breath, Eyes forward, chest up, Engage your core, and drive your knees out.
3-Squat deep focusing on ripping floor apart throughout the movement.
4-Pause at the bottom of the squat position, then imagine pushing your feet into the floor like a rocket going to space and standing up tall and proud, eyes forward.
5-Repeat for given reps or time.
Body weight front feet elevated
unilateral split squats
barbell split squats
step ups
A2 | Mid Neutral Lat PULLDOWN
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 3-0-1-0
REST: 60 seconds
1-Adjust the pad so it sits snugly on your thighs to minimise movement.
2-Grasp the bar with a wide grip, looking forward with your torso upright.
3-Retract your shoulder blades and pull the bar down in front of you to your upper chest.
4- Squeeze your lats at the bottom of the move.
5-Resist the temptation to lean back to aid the movement.
6-Slowly release the bar back up to the starting position.
7-Repeat for given reps/tempo.
B1 | lying leg curl
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 3-0-1-0
REST: 60 seconds
1-Start by adjusting the machine so your thighs and torso sit comfortably on the pads when you’re lying face down.
2-The lever on the back of the machine should sit just below your calf muscles when your legs are straight.
3-Grasp the handles on the front of the machine and brace yourself – it’s time to curl.
4-Curl your lower legs up as far as possible without lifting your thighs off the pad.
5-Hold for a second at the top of the movement, then lower slowly back to the start.
6-Keep your movements smooth throughout – if you’re having to resort to jerky movements to shift the weight, you’re using too much. weight.
Seated variation
Single leg variations
Dumbbell variation
Band variation
Stability ball leg curl
Good Mornings
B2 | 45’incline dumbbell chest press
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 3-1-1-0
REST: 60 seconds
1-Lie back on a bench set to a 45-degree angle and lift the weights up to shoulder height, palms facing away from you.
2-Take a deep breath, brace your core, press up with both arms.
3- Lock out your arms and squeeze your chest before returning slowly to the start position.
4-Repeat for a given amount of reps and tempo.
C1 | 45’ BACK EXTENSION HOLDING Dumbbell on chest
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 3-0-1-2
REST: 45 seconds
1-Grab your dumbbell or weighted plated
2-Place your thighs on the pad. Bend your knees slightly and secure your feet, keeping them in line with your knees.
3-Exhale and move up until your shoulders, spine, and hips are in line.
4-Engage your core and gently slide your shoulders back.
5-Inhale and bend down from your waist. imaging Touching the floor.
6-Contract your hamstring and glutes, drive feet into the floor and bring yourself back upright.
7-Complete the desired number of reps and sets.
Bodyweight only
Good mornings variations
Superman variations
REPS: 10-12
TEMPO: 2-0-1-2
REST: 45 seconds
Step 1: Sit down on a low pulley row machine that has been equipped with a rope attachment.
Step 2: Grasp the ends of the rope with a palms-down grip. Sit with your back straight; your knees should be slightly bent. Your arms should be fully extended in front of you. This is the starting position.
Step 3: Lift your elbows and bend them as you pull the rope towards your neck, exhaling as you do so. Your upper arms should be parallel to the floor.
Step 4: Hold the contracted position for a second or two, then come back slowly to the starting position. Inhale as you do so. Your torso should remain stationary as you do so.
Step 5: Repeat until you complete the reps in your set.
d1 | Side PLANK
REPS: 30-60 hold per side
REST: 30-45 seconds
1-Lying on the side engage the core and neutral spine, deep breath in.
2-Push hips up off the floor, by contracting glutes
3-Hold at top and squeeze glutes
Knee on the floor
Side Bridges
d2 | curl ups
REPS: 12-15
TEMPO: 2-0-1-0
REST: 30-45 seconds
1-Lying on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight
2-Tuck chin into chest and curl upper body by contracting core
3-Hold and control back down